Sabtu, 27 Agustus 2011

Pengantar Manajemen

Management is worked in organization.


Organization is  --> A group of people working together.
                          --> In a structured and coordinated fashion.
                          --> To achieve a set of goal.

Notes :
  1. A group of people is more than 2 people.
  2. Working together as a team work.
  3. In a structured --> leader and followers. --> deciding tasks : needed, production, marketing and financial.
  4. Coordinated Interrelated among functions
  5. A set of goals : Technical to produce goods and services , Financial , Profits.
  6. In the organization , person is a container and management is an actor who coordinates the way of organization.
Management is the process by informing the function of PLANNING, ORGANIZING, LEADING, COORDINATING and CONTROLLING.
Working with 3 RESOURCES --> Human Resources
                                                 --> Natural Resources
                                                 --> Fund Resources
                     or 6 M                 --> Man
                                                 --> Money
                                                 --> Machine
                                                 --> Material
                                                 --> Method
                                                 --> Market
In order to reach organizational --> Goal : A desired  future condition or that the organization seeks to
                                                --> Objectives : The End (results,goals,targets) that an organization seeks to
Example : Goal : pass and get the certification
                Target : IPK > 2,7 with duration < 4 years


Scientific Management involves finding the "One Best Way" to perform a task.
F.W Taylor can be called the father of scientific management with his book "The Scientific of Management". And then the Gilberth brothers , Frank Gilberth (1868-1924) and Lilian Gilberth (1878-1972), are followers of management who created motion study. And there is Henry L. Gantt too who increased worker efficiency through scheduling and reward innovation.

H. Fayol suggested fourteen principles of management : 

1. Devision of work
2. Authority
3. Discipline
4. Unity of Direction
5. Unity of Command
6. Subordination of individual interests to the general interests.
7. Remuneration
8. Centralization
9. Scalar Chain
10. Order
11. Equity
12. Stability of tenure of personnel
13. Initiative
14. Esprit de corps


The father of modern management is Peter F. Drucker. He formulated the concepts of MBO (Management by Objectives) which published in his book "The Practise of Management" in 1954.
MBO is a process that involves the superior and subordinate managers of an organiziting in jointly setting its over all common goals.
MBO is defining each individual's major area of responsibility in terms of the results expected of him or her and using those measures as guides for operating the unit and accessing the contribution of each of its members.

3 komentar:

  1. uwww baru tau yakk
    salam knl blogger ^^

  2. hihi..
    slm knal jg blogger.. :D
    mohon kritik dan sarannya yaa supaya bisa lbih baik,,

  3. bagus kq
    tinggal kasih widget aja biar keren ^^
